Tuesday, March 31, 2015

If you let Him, Jesus will hold you in His arm and lay you to sleep, good night, thank You Lord!
When we grow deeper in our faith
And be strengthened in the Lord
Then when we we face the storms  of life
We'll be stronger than before
Jesus is worthy of our praise because of what He's done, what He is doing and what He's going to do in the future, thank You!
           Why are we surprised when God does what He promised!
When God reveals truth to us, we should not only live it, but pass it along to someone along our way!
If we become too concerned about power or fame, we can miss the blessings God has in store for us!
     Do we use our gifts to help those who have lost their way, we should!
It is our duty to live abundantly in the overflow, exceedingly above what you or I can think or imagine, yes Jesus!!!!
Scripture for today:

Wherefore, my beloved brethen, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.
James 1:19
     Its hard for the devil to deceiver us when we start living with Jesus in our heart.
This morning we should humble ourselves while lifting God up!
There's nothing like being in the mouth of God and listening to the wonderful things He is saying about you.
Wisdom is knowing what to say and when to say it.
Godly wisdom is allowing God to use you to say what He wants you to say when He wants you to say it.
      There are times in our lives we should wait before acting.

      Do we live church in our every day walk and talk.
      Your setback was the beginning of your process for your comeback.
Today's decision can be your tomorrow's reality when we confer with God.
                   We need to be healed both physically and mentally.

Monday, March 30, 2015

   I hope you had a wonderful day, now, have a peaceful night in Jesus name, yesssss
            Lord, I thank You for helping me to be better each day.
You can be great in your desire to overcome any obstacle, in order to make your life better, Jesus will give you the desires of your heart.
I thought I had no options, then You placed someone in my life who completed me, for that I say, Lord thank You!
Lately I've been confused, unhappy, and even downright disgusted, so Jesus I need You, I need You and yes, I need You. You have to save me from myself, because left up to me I'm going down the wrong road. I'm trying Lord to see You, but I don't, I know I'm focusing on my troubles and not You, tell me what to do?

Someone called me and said, open your heart, invite Jesus to come in. Don't tell Him about your troubles, He already know, but say Lord I need You to fix this. He wants you to open up to Him, acknowledge Him and thank Him.

I allowed myself to have a different attitude, things had not changed yet, but my heart, my mind and my soul had changed, I felt like a new person. Lord I'm not waiting til the battle is over to shout, I'm shouting now, thank You Jesus    
I thought I was crushed from the miseries of life, then You said don't worry, I  have better opportunities for you, thank You Lord!
I would love to scale the mountain heights and stand where no man stood, up there walking and talking with God.
When you come home from a hard days' work and you have someone there waiting for you, it might not be exactly the way you want it to be, but be grateful!
Be happy, walk in your happiness and bless someone today, so smile!!!!!!!!!
Scripture for today:

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth, give I unto you, Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.           john 14:27
I sing because I'm happy 
I sing because I'm free
His eye is on the sparrow
And I know He watching over me
Do you take Jesus everywhere you go, if Jesus is not welcome there, I'm not going there.
You say you have the Holy Spirit, but do the Holy Spirit have you, think about it.
God this morning I'm allowing you entrance to my heart, I opened up, and I'm receiving Your Word, work through me and use me for your service this morning, in Jesus name, Amen!!!
Everyone has an opinion, but don't let their opinion define who we are, only God can define us. God's opinion of us is sometimes different from what we or man can think, so when man want to put us in the box, God's says, you're free to be who I say you are, so run with it.
How often do we spend time praying and mediating on Jesus, He'll come in and not only listen, but answer prayer.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Dear Lord, it was a great day, now a great evening, where I can reflect on all the possibles you showed me today, thank You.
                        Daily blessings are daily reminders of God.
Good things come to those who believe
Better things come to those who are patient
the best things come to those who don't give up
                I'm Your Lord, talk to Me.
            We should be touched by the pain of others.
           Lord, bring peace to a disturbed mind.
        I pray that you were in the presence of God in your worship.
We have to be willing and able under the anointing of God to do the work He sent us out to do.
Scripture for today:

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.           Romans 8:28

We should wake up with a song in our heart and praise on our lips, shouting the goodness of God and thanking Him in advance for what He's going to do, then we're going to find someone to bless, thank You Lord!

Saturday, March 28, 2015

                                      I'm calling it a night!
I'm going to rest in the Lord, I'm going to be of good strength because I know that He will keep me all night.
God calls to His service those He has already prepared before hand.
I'm highly favored, are you?
Say devil, you have no room in my heart, only Jesus, yesssssssss!!!
There should be no question in the mind of an observer about your commitment to Christ.
The person who truly wants to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ will carefully examine their life.
Choices        Choices        Choices
How do you determine the direction of your life
If you would like, God would love to help you make some decisions
               We should repent of our sins on a daily basis!
How many of us are silently dealing with issues we have not turned over to God?
                          Take time out for a praise break!!!!
We cannot allow the enemies of God to dictate to us the way we should show God's goodness.
God will use people even the government, to benefit His people, but we must still put our trust in Him.
Scripture for today:

This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt mediate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.       Joshua 1:8-9
Good morning, I love You Lord; another day to praise You, love You and lift up Your name as I pass on blessings with a big smile, in Jesus name.
           I will not be afraid to give the Word of God to those in need of it today.
I have to be determined in my heart that no matter what I'm going to read my bible and pray.
When eveything else fails, I can go to the Rock(Jesus)!
       How many times have we slipped, but God caught us, thank You Lord!
Don't envy anyone who has sacrificed eternal rewards with temporary pleasures.
Understand God's timing.
            Spend some alone and/or quiet time with God this morning.
          Try something different today, be humble, if that's you, try it!!
Always point everything back to God, we didn't do it, so don't take credit for it.
God's people can be confident of His continued goodness toward us regardless of our circumstances.
Is God your first priority
Don't let anything-material things, education, position, family, money, fame come between us and God. What is the most important thing in your life

Friday, March 27, 2015

                                      Go to bed and forget about it!!!!!
                         A beautiful and wonderful day!!!!!
        We should be available to be used of God as He pleases.
                        We should be believers of integrity.
Jesus is far more, more awesome than most people can begin to imagine!
God uses our obedience to Him as a way to bring His blessings to a hurting, needy world, yes Lord!
You want to make God laugh, tell Him the way you want a request, how you want it done and why, without asking Him, "what do You think"!
Scripture for today:

So shall my Word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing where to I sent it.             Isaiah 55:11

                                    IT SHALL COME TO PASS
Good wonderful morning, get up, stretch your body and your mind, look at life through your spiritual eyes, now tell God I'm ready, then bless someone today, have a great day and smile!
This morning, lets draw on the strength of God, and not lean to our own understanding.
Life is to short to fight, count your blessings, value your friends, hold your head high, smile and keep on going!
We have to be careful in asking God for what we want, instead of seeking from God what He want us to have, sometimes they are the same things.
We can be unfaithful, complaining and ungrateful, yet God's love for us does not change.
Don't let anyone talk you out of building on your relationship with Jesus Christ!
Do you ever think about going back to your old life, DON'T!!!
Are we right where God want us to be, think about it, talk to God about it.
Lets not lead through vain power, let the love of God lead us to people with the right attitude.
We should trust God after we give our request to Him, to trust Him to give what's best for us.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Look, I know you don't know what to do, you are going over it and over it in your mind, but God said if you are going to stay up worrying about it, then I'll rest, now if you stop worrying and go to sleep, I'll do it for you, it does not make sense for both of us to be up.
                                               REST IN GOD'S ARM
Are you enjoying your evening, you should, God has brought us through another day and I'm so glad He did, good night!!!  
A believers faith , no matter how small, will be honored by Jesus, because He's that kind of God!
The night is long
thoughts going through my head
what to do, what to do
Lord I'm giving it to you and I'm going to bed. 
    We should be able to listen to the wise counsel of God's servant.
           Do you have a prideful heart, I HOPE NOT!!!!
God's accomplishment is certain, no matter how uncertain the way is.
Honest, sincere concern for others is a trademark that show we love God.
All the circumstances we face in life are under God's control, so don't let them deter us from serving Him in any way we can.
Now be happy today, smile, allow the love of God to flow from you and touch someone's heart, be happy.
Scripture for today:

But as it is written, eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him.     1 cor. 2:9
Marriage will get better each year as we show love honor and respect to each other.
                   There's no better day than today to say Lord, use me!
Staying faithful is as much about a strong, what I won't do, as well as a strong, what I will do.
Are we living a life God would be proud of?
Prayer is the voice of faith trusting that God knows, He cares and He's moving on your behalf.
We should say  today, God is leaning in my direction, so bless in a mighty way Lord, and what You bless me with, I will share it with someone else, in Jesus name.
How can we honor Jesus Christ, by living a life according to His Word.
         A closer walk with Jesus gives us a greater hunger for spiritual things.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

                   God forgives us, now we must forgive ourselves!
                         Lord thank You for a good night sleep!
Doubt sees the obstacles
Faith sees the way
Doubt sees the dark night
Faith sees the day
Doubt dreads to take a step 
Faith soars on high
Doubt questions who believe
Faith answers I
When struggles come our way, we can rest assured that our God is listening and He will take action.
When you feel like you are drowning in life, don't worry, your lifeguard walks on water!
Dear God

It is my humble prayer that You make whoever is reading this a great blessing to those in need. Please strengthen and guide their path that they may not divert from the great plans You have for them,  Amen
I act foolishly sometimes, say things I should not say, but make no mistake, 
When God has selected you it does not matter who reject you, God's favor outweigh all opposition!
Scripture for today:

We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;              2 cor. 4:8-9

                                    WHY, GOD'S GOT OUR BACK

Good morning and SMILE, may the blessings of God fall freshly on you today, then go and bless someone else!
God only allows what you can handle, so if life seems to get hard , remember, that God knows you are strong enough to handle it, just stay prayful.
A peaceful heart is one that finds countless blessings of God in their every day, ordinary life.
                                 Jesus feels and heals our pain.
God's promises may be forgotten by man, but they are never forgotten by Him, thank You Lord.
Waiting for me on the other side of this test, waiting for me on the other side of this temptation, is my destiny.
Let it go,  
my mind, my spirit, my body, my life, my family, my money, my future
you can't have it devil in Jesus name, Amen.
God listens to our plans, but he acts according to His plans, and our plans and God's plan always workout.
God's people and God's presence are always at the center of God's attention.
God expects unquestioning obedience to His Word, in other words, could we stop questioning God.
                      I'm so grateful that God is merciful!!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Whatever you are going through tonight, talk with God about it, I declare He will not only listen, but send you the help you need, because  He's always on time!
                 Lord, rock me to sleep tonight.
           The end of another day, thank You Lord You, brought me through it.
In marriage, the husband and wife should treat each other the way they want to be treated, and always be lead by the Holy Spirit!
We must never assume that godliness will be embraced by our children without our making every effort to teach them spiritual values.
The bible tells us that God is merciful and gracious; longsuffering and abundant in goodness and truth, that's why I know, without a doubt, I can trust Him for everything.
The tasks before us will not seem so formidable when we remember the situations God brought us through.
                           Do Jesus live with you?
                Tell your angel, I"m not letting go til you bless me!
As we trust and obey God, read His Word, those around you will learn of His love and power and want Him in their life.
         Don't allow people to lead you to make wrong decisions, talk to God about it.
Scripture for today:

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you; For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. mat. 7:7-8
      Have a blessed day and go and bless someone else.
Tell yourself today, God will make a way where it seems to be no way.
                               Live your life and forget your age.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Sleep a great nights sleep, rest as restful as possible, relax your mind, let your body lay down, and just tell yourself, all is well!

When we pray,
God hears more than we say, answers more than we ask, gives more than we could imagine, in his own time and in  His own way, thank You Lord!!!
Snuggle in God's arm,

When you are hurting, when you feel lonely, left out, let Him cradle you, comfort you, reassuring you of His all-sufficient power and love.
Lord bless the food before us, the family beside us, and the love between us . Amen
When we meet someone we judge them by their appearance, when we leave them let us judge them by their heart
                 We need not be afraid of where we are going when God is going with us.
Scripture for today:

Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.   psalm 46:10
                              Live one day at a time, enjoy today!
Good beautiful morning, we're alive and well, now go find someone to bless today!!!
A heart singing in the Spirit, songs of love, is always on key and in tune with God, He loves my voice!!
I will win, may not be immediately, but I will win, and if God say so, it will be immediately, I place no limits on God, Lord, do it!
    The devil will use an empty mind as a dumping ground, let God occupy your mind.
Being a believer doesn't mean I won't have ugly days, it's just I choose to find beauty in the most ugliest of days!
My child, you worry to much, can you remember this morning, I got this!!
                         God is not an option, He's a necessary.
Dear God,

Help and bless anyone who is reading this, this morning, let their homes and families be blessed and protected. Fill their mouth with laughter and joy on this morning, in Jesus name, Amen!!!
Old minds cannot hold new revelations, let the old man die, and let there be a renewing of your mind in Christ Jesus.
Don't tear a brother or sister down who is already down, instead, lift them up, and let God take care of the rest.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

                          Let God's promises shine on our problems.
            I thank You Lord for protecting me from what I thought I wanted.
            Faith makes thing possible not easy.
         Lord, I want to empty me of me, so You can fill me full of You.
When you invite the Holy Spirit in, it feels great, have a good night!

              Someone will pay the price for their sins, will it be you or Jesus.
Just living is not enough, we should laugh more, love with passion, from our spirit, praise the Lord.
   God and a good wife or husband are the two best things that could happen to a husband or wife.
            Bring your enemies a chair since they can't stand to see you blessed.
Scripture of the day:

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.      1 cor. 15:58
Think on it as a temporary setback, it won't last.
When we feel fear, have the courage to acknowledge it and speak it out of your life!
             You can't outguess God, don't even try!
      The bible is the only book whose author is always there while you are reading it.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

                                   This is just wonderful, enjoy your night!!!
        Faith is like wi-fi, its invisible but has the power to move mountains!
                     Pray hardest when its the hardest to pray.
Dear God,

I believe in You. I don't know all the answers, but I know You do so from this point on I am leaning on You. Please forgive me, I confess all my sins to You Lord, I repent of all my sins. I surrender to You Lord, I make  Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior. Give me Your peace, make all things new as I follow You all the days of my life in Jesus name, AMEN! 
           Doubt sees the obstacles, faith sees the way.
Just going to a church does not make you a believer anymore than standing in a garage makes you a car, think about it!
When life gets too hard to stand,
                 Don't ask God to guide your steps if you are not willing to move your feet!
Scripture for today:

     I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.     phil. 4:13
Good morning, God is good, all the time, and all the time, God is good, have a blessed day, and go and bless someone today!!!
                  We have angels that will  help us in dangerous situations.
                Thank You for strength in difficult times.
       A closer relationship with Jesus gives us a greater hunger for spiritual things.
                    We should have that deep desire to do God's will.
      The pleasures of the devil is for a season, God's blessings are forever!
         The surgeon does the cutting, but God does the healing.
Get to that place where God wants you to be, miracles do happen in the most unexpected places.

Friday, March 20, 2015

                                Angels watching over me!!!!
after a long day, don't allow what did not go right to dictate your nightime, enjoy your evening!
We can find comfort and rest as we worship God in His house and His house should be in our house.
      The Almighty God takes care of me, thank You Lord for being that kind of God!
          There's nothing like peace in the midst of our problems.
      If you think you can deceive God, you can't, He knows our motive!
          We should always pray for those in authority over us, praise God!
   God would like to know, can you treat with kindness those who mistreated you!
I'm so grateful God gave me you as my best friend!
    The pleasures of the devil are for a season, the blessings of God is forever.
                 Make sure you find someone to bless today, keep smiling and have a wonderful day!
Scripture of the day:

This is the day that the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.  psalm 118:24
I am blessed
Every day of my life
I am blessed
When I wake up in the morning
Til I lay my head to rest
Every day of my life
I am blessed
                        Fear fades when we trust in God.
Thank You Lord, You got me through another night, and to see a beautiful morning, I wonder what great things You are going to do for me today, whether big or small, I love You Lord!
Help me Lord, to know
To give it all to you
Help me to know deep in my heart
That You will pull me through 
The powers of evil around you are no match for the power of Jesus within you!
    Jesus will turn a mistake into a blessing as an example of His grace.
                  The way to peace is to give every anxious care to God!
                         Jesus knows and He understands.

                  Jesus is the best thing that ever happen to me.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

        We can sleep tonight knowing we are in God's hand!
Praise God, another day has come and gone, and this evening as I'm resting, I say, thank You Jesus!
I don't understand everything that is going on right now, but I know that God knows better than me, so I can say, "it is well"
                   I trust God anyway!!!
I have so many flaws, so I'm not perfect, but my blessings is so much more than my flaws, that's why I'm so grateful.
God has seen what you're been through, every tear you're shed. He knows your disappointments and the heartaches you feel, you will get pass this, because there's a new spiritual and natural level God is bringing you to, HALLELUJAH!!!
It's hard to stay mad at someone you are praying for, 
I want to be so full of Christ, that when a mosquito bite me, they fly away singing,
"there's power in the blood" 
Scripture of the day:

Bless the Lord, oh my soul: and all that is within me, bless His holy name.    psalm 103:1
                Good morning everyone, find someone to bless today!
   Always be on guard against the enemy, he wants to steal our plans God gave us for today!
  When we choose bad over good, we must suffer the consequence, think about that today!
We often like to look back
To memories of yesterday
To moments that we miss
and never can replace
We want to touch your heart God
Every time we pray
And come into Your presence
Each and every day
                 God love us to much to leave us just as we are.
God gave us another day not just for us, but someone needs to hear what God would have us to say.
I'm no longer broken
Jesus has done it all

You keep throwing the old me in my face, but God keep showing me the new me every day, yeahhhhhhhhhhhh!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Go to bed knowing God loves you!
I let go of the pain
That was stuck in my chest
I opened up my heart
And I gave God my best
Thank God for believers who can refocus a bad situation back to God.
The way of salvation is the same for everyone, it is by His grace through faith in Jesus the Christ.
A person will never know how far reaching their ministry can be.
When we doubt the truth of God's Word, we come under the influence of the enemy.

Sometimes we hold on to things we should have let go a long time ago, and have unforgiveness in our hearts.  The only one we hurt is ourselves, we can't even have a kind word to say to that person. Now is that how we want to live our lives, is that how we want people to see God when they look at us. Holding on to unforgivness will show up in our talk, our walk and how we treat people we don't even know. Unforgiveness will block prayers, will cause stress, headaches, and we should not want anything to come between us and God. We should be forgiving, it's not worth it, so let it go, and forgive, because it's not about the other person, it's about the hardness of our heart, I'll say again, "let it go".
Another glorious night, from another glorious day, God is so good!
God says we are each important 
And to make our life work
So we do our part with enthusiasm
And know that we have worth
      To trust Jesus is to accept Him, obey Him, serve Him and love Him
I praise You Lord for who You are
With all  I have in me
I'd never have a better life
than this one You entrusted to me

Scripture for today:

I will lift up my eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.  My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.                 psalm 121:1-2

                                         LOOK UP AND LIVE!!!
Praise God today!!!!!!
Good morning, another great day, why, we are in our right mind, our health and strength, and we are doing it in Jesus name, have a great, always remember, find somebody to bless today!
Don't allow the lost of family, friends or material things to keep us from doing the will of God!
Obedience to God does not spare one from difficult circumstances, as a matter of fact, He will allow the devil to throw obstacles in our way. But we will keep obeying God, we will keep our focus on Him, and He will see us through every situation.
      The seed of God's Word when sown in the heart will produce good fruit.
Just as God divided the Light from the dark, so spiritual light and darkness can not dwell together.
                           You can hide from man, but you can't hide from God!
     We are responsible for our actions, don't blame somebody else about what we did wrong.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

                              Have a great night in Jesus name!
Wonderful day, beautiful night, enjoying and relaxing, even though everything did not go the way I wanted it to, but today is the past, and right now I'm alright in Jesus, AMEN!!!!
Jesus can work powerfully within the lives of His people when faith is present, remember, faith is the key that opens the door, and Jesus will walk in.

Witnessing for Christ is not something to  be done only when it is convenient, it should be apart of our life, regardless of our circumstance.
                          Ignoring God can get you in trouble!
Don't wait til the battle is over, you can shout now, and when the battle is actually over, we can dance and praise and worship, and dance and praise and worship.....
                           Nothing can rob a true believer of their joy.
It's wonderful to have the peace of God on my life!
                 You can hide from man, but you can't hide from God.
Lack of faith in God and His Word often leads us to do the very opposite of what He would want us to do.
Scripture for today:

O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusted in Him.    psalm 34:8
Enjoy today, now find someone to bless today.
Sometimes we need to step back, take a deep breathe, look at our life and realized how great things really are!  
Devil, you could have did it yesterday, but don't mess with me today!!!
                                       ANOTHER DAY TO PRAISE GOD!!!!
God would never abandon us 
Or forsake our need
As He allows the unexpected
We just need to take heed 

Because of my circumstances in life
and the things I go through
I find my eyes are on the storm
When my focus should be on You
                                     When God says you're ready, you're ready!

Monday, March 16, 2015

I can sleep soundly tonight because I blessed someone today, if you didn't, don't worry, you have tomorrow.
Sometimes I am tempted to give up
And let another take my place
But God gave me this gift
So I will not be replaced

I'm staying in the race!!!

We should never become too tired of singing songs of praise to God, for He is worthy to be praised.
Praise Him before you go to sleep tonight,
                    Thank You Lord, for a wonderful day and now a peaceful and restful night!
          I won't let trouble overcome me, I know who my strongtower is, thank You Lord!
Take this with you today:

The Lord is my Light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life: of whom shall I be afraid?           psalm 27:1
                         Smile, be happy, think great thoughts, they will take you through your day
I went to God on bended knee
And this is what He told me
I am with you always
Just believe in Me

I will Lord
I will travel on
As You show me the way
This journey is not easy
Lord I'm taking it day by day 
                                 Stay strong in Jesus and look for success today.
You thought you would not make it through the night, but you did, He woke you up this morning, and that's a blessing, praise God!
Take the grief of yesterday and put it in the garbage can where it belongs today.
                                                      Don't let the devil put your fire out.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Nothing changes because nothing changes, doing the same thing over and over and over...
                                                      Failure is not an option!
                                       With faith, you don't need proof!
         It does not matter where I came from, what matters is where I'm moving in God!
                                   I can be pitiful or powerful, my choice!!!
I'm not going to let the devil ride with me, if I let him ride, then he'll want to drive, so no devil you can't ride!!!!!!!
             Are you sinking in despair, or sailing on the wings of an angel!
      The good news is, the bad news that came is a set up for the good news that's coming.
                                        I get a little tired, but I can't quit!
          We have to remember, it's not a footrace, God is ok with babysteps
               I'm going through my process, I'm determined to change for my good!
       We can't let the negative we see stop us from the positive God has promised us!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

                                             Sometimes trials can be God's way to triumph!
                             In good times and bad, God is our resting place, so rest!!!
             When we put on the life of Christ, it will show up in our attitude and our actions.
                We never run out when we depend on God as our Source of supply.
                           When you cannot sleep, ask God, and He will give you rest!
As you close your eyes tonight
know you're safe in His keeping
Rest assured that He's with you
Because His heart is never sleeping

When we are in our night season, it seems like it was never going to end, but there is Light at the end of the tunnel.
                     I believe this is the greatest  time of our life!
We were born
we have a special place
we've on a mission
touched by God's grace

Have you started your mission yet?

Let your mind grow
Let your body be still
sit back and let your mind go
And listen to God's will
                         Do you believe God will help you, Ask Him, you will be amazed!
God is so far ahead of us, yet He's walking with us.
I freed myself today, I'm forgetting all my worries, I'm letting my fear fly away, I remember what it feels like to be alive, and it feels good!
                                 Smile, don't let problems mess up your day, Smile
I found God in my True Love Eyes

He lives in your heart 
that's kind and true
and so of course my friend
I found God in you

Enjoy your day
The greatest wisdom 
That I can give
as you go about your day
Is to share your wisdom
With all who pass your way 

 have a great day
Salvation is free, a relationship with Jesus Christ will cost you, (friends, material things) but we will gain so much more.
I'm looking out at this gorgeous sunshine, wonderful morning, no matter what the weather, or how the morning started out, and now I'm smiling, enjoy your day!!!!
                          The wonder of it all, just to think, "God truly loves me!"
                             God patiently keep's His promises, and I don't mind waiting!
Feed on God's Word this morning, it will make you strong and healthy, and get you through your day.
                              I can get through it, I can get pass it, but now I'm over it, thank You God !
                         Pray for others, make a difference in someone's life!

Friday, March 13, 2015

              The way for us to accomplish more for Christ is to serve Him anyway we can.
                        When you ask God for more patience, you are asking God for more trials.
I don't worry over my future
For I know what Jesus said
And today I walk beside Him
For He knows what lies ahead
thank You Lord
Another glorious night, God got us through  another day, we can sit back and look over our day, and know that inspite of it all, God did it!
                           If  we don't stop and rest awhile, we may burn out!
                               Words spoken without thinking can get you in trouble!
             The true test of our relationship with Christ is what we do behind closed doors!
                           God fills our heart with love, when we pour out what we don't need.
                                  God heals the pain others have afflicted on us.
                 What happen to us is not as important as how we handle what happens to us.
   All is never lost, despair do not last forever, later we will find out, it was just a disappointment.
                  Lord whatever happens today we are going to handle together, thank You!
Sometimes it take constructive criticism in a Godly way to get us to see the mistakes we have made.
                          Tomorrow is not promised so we should enjoy each day!
                                            Lord thank You for the sunshine!
                    Lord, I woke up this morning with You on my mind, and that's the best feeling, YES!
I'm determined to find someone who could use my help today!
          Good morning Lord, I looked around and saw that all was well, thank You Lord.
I'm thankful for what I have and for what I will accomplish today.
                        I'm going to move ahead and not think on yesterday's mistakes.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

                               Lord, I will sleep with You on my mind tonight!
      Good night, I had a wonderful day no matter how it went, because I'm still here!!!
By His grace, Christ loosed us from bondage, now welcomes us into His family, thank You!
We can be confident, Jesus, the One we serve, is not mere man, but the eternal, all-knowing and all-powerful God, Creator of everything!
I have the willpower that will help me hang on during the roughest weather, and a courage that will let me face any problem head on,
Thank You Lord!
Look at the road 
you visited yesterday
you'll see each mistake
that helped formed your way

Maybe you stumbled
as you wondered in the night
but it took all of that
just to make your way right 

                                    Faithful service should follow every believer
                                                  Someone you know you can help,
If we are filled with the Spirit of God, we should be showing the fruit of the Spirit, that is, joy, love, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance.   galatians 5:22-23
Never give up on the meanest heart, for no one knows what heart will change after God has touched it, never stop praying!
                              Nothing should be more important than our obedience for God!!
                              Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice.  phil. 4:4
Thank You Lord for another beautiful morning to praise You, to love You and to bless You, now I'm going to go and find someone to encourage, to love and to bless today!!!
I've been disappointed
Sometimes I thought I could not cope
Yet I marched on bravely
And I faced the day with hope
Thank You Lord!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Send me a blessing, God
Send me your care
I need it today, God
Please answer my pray
Thank You!
God is telling someone,
LET IT GO!!!!!!
God, may your caring touch the hearts of all who read this prayer, AMEN!
Don't worry about anything, instead pray about everything, tell God about your needs and don't forget to thank Him for His answers.
When you experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. This peace will keep your thoughts and your heart quiet and at rest as you trust in Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ can bring Light where there is darkness, joy where there is sadness, comfort to relieve our worry, AMEN!
Words have meaning, especially the words God has spoken into your life, believe it!
How much time do you spend: 
             Sometimes a spiritual word can come from an unexpected source.
                If you want to know the meaning to your life, ask God, He'll tell you!
Look at what God is doing today in preparation for tomorrow!
       No greater joy than knowing, no matter my situation, I believe God will bring me out.
                                                  Smile today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you know each moment is a precious gift and I won't let this time slip away without making the most of this precious, beautiful day.
The good you do today may not be appreciated, but do good anyway!
Do something different today, ask God about it, then do it, you should get His approval first.
Stop thinking all the negative and start believing on the positive!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Have a good evening, talk to God tonight, let Him soothe your mind, relax your spirit, and give you some good sleep, praise God!!!
You know when God is up to something, the devil is trying his best to talk you down, keep standing on your faith!
I have strength because I have faith in God, I know that He'll always lead me along the right path, and let me rest my worries on His shoulders.
The gift of grace, mercy and peace which Jesus is ready to give, shall be in the heart of him who receive it. An everflowing source of comfort, satisfaction and spiritual refreshment. Not only in this life, but unto life eternal.
                                        Only God can satisfy the deep craving of our soul.
                           Use your testimony to encourage someone else they can make it!

We often lack material things because we don't ask or we ask in amiss!


The times were tough
did not think we would make it through
But God was on our side
Even though beaten down we came through

We knew Jesus came to free us
As we marched on
To free us from our bondage
As we sing our battle song

We refuse to give up
We refuse to give in
We have a long way to go
But this battle we will win


                            Many people want the benefits of God, but not God the Creator.

                                 Freedom from sin can only be found in Jesus.
                                        We cannot overstate God's love for us!

                  We can be assured of victory by keeping our eyes on Jesus!
           Only God can discern the struggles that is in our heart, so open up to Him.
Be great in your desire to overcome any obstacle in order to make something great out of your life!
                      Another blessed morning, got to find someone to bless today!!!
I'm tired
I'm ill
Yet still
I'm determined to win
so nothing can defeat me
because tomorrow I'll try again 
I have strength because I have faith in Jesus. I know that He'll always lead me along the right path, and let me leave  my worries on His shoulders.

Monday, March 9, 2015

  God is so Wonderful

When night is long
And day is not going right
God reminds me all the time
don't worry pat, I got you in my sight

Don't look at what's before your eyes
don't look at what's going wrong
but keep your eyes on the prize 
pat you won't be singing this sad song long

Look up to the hills
pat you won't be in the valley long
I'm about to turn things around
Thank You Lord, now I can sing a new song

                                      Common sense is not that common any more.
The main thing you need to know when dealing with the devil,
                                   A great friend is one who you can depend on!
                        Help is on the way, will you answer when it knocks on your door?
My dear friend
 I hope you know it's true
that each day I'm praying
that trouble does not visit you
Know this one thing, nothing in life is as bad as it is, or as it seems to be, so go for it!!!
                            I pray that God bless you richly, the way you have blessed me!!!
Love someone in the face
and say,

You go that extra mile
to inspire and encourage me
You make me want to try harder
You make me want to succeed

Thank you
There's times I feel overwhelmed by life
And I don't know what to do
but everything starts to feel right 
When I think of you
I'm sending this message to you in hopes that you can take the day off and enjoy being you!
So you think you can't make it, well I'm telling you, you can, but most importantly Jesus, who is right there with you says, you can, so now tell yourself you can!
Start your morning off with a smile, a hello and thanking God for the wonderful day you are going to have today !!!
Just because we slip, does not mean we have to fall, God will sometimes catch us before we hit the ground, yes Lord.
        It's not about where we come from, but where are we going, think about it!
      You woke me up this morning, praise God, let me find someone to bless today!
Close your eyes, open your heart, block all misery, worries, trials and tribulations. Focus on laying in the arms of Jesus, focus on Him singing to you, holding you tight, whispering in your ear,
" I got you"
You know all those things you wanted to do, God want to know,
 "what are you waiting for"!
Don't worry, God is never blind to your tears, deaf to your prayers and silent to your misery
He sees, hears, and delivers! 
Struggles will happen, because in order to appreciate what it feels like to stand up, sometimes we have to fall.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

         Let love bloom in your heart today, it will just grow and grow, and grow.....
                                           Just let your heavy heart rest in Jesus!
Lets do some spring cleaning, get rid of doubt and worry, let our hopes and dreams shine through, and let this day be the beginning of what we are looking for!
Hope will get you through the worse of times, love will overcome hate, we get better with age, through it all God will always love us, so laugh, life is wonderful!
      There's a reason for some things, a season for others, but we still have to appreciate all things!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

                       Sometimes it takes feeling bad to appreciate  feeling so good!
Hold on, something is about to happen, I can't explain the feeling, but my spirit is shouting, and it is time for me to get dancing!!!!!
If you have someone on your mind say aprayer for them, you never know what they are going through!
Enjoy this evening
Let this day slip away
I'm letting my mind rest in Jesus
Just relaxing my troubles away

Let your heart guide you
Let your dreams be your wings
For what lies before you
New life, new heights, new things
                        It happened yesterday, that's the past, let it go and move on (up)!
Do you want to lighten your load
and escape your despair
Just ask God for His help
then put it in a heartfelt prayer
God has a way to comfort me, and take my pain away, it went straight from my heart, and He sent it flying into the wind, thank You Lord!
God gave you your talent, use it wisely, and to the glory of God!
You're shown me You're always ready
To supply me with all my needs
So I'll take Your hand God
And follow wherever you lead 
Today I'm taking a minute to pray for you
God, please bring hope, peace and prosperity
With Your endless grace and loving care, make the day beautiful in a way that only You can. AMEN
                                  I speak, declare, and decree, life and life more abundantly!
Do you remember who you used to be before you became the person that you are now?
I'm glad I'm where I am now, but still going after greater, thank You Jesus.
The greatest wisdom I can give you
As you go about your day
Is to share your blessings
With someone you pass today
This is what I first thought of me, I was weak, I never completed my goals, I felt abandoned, I thought very little of myself. Then someone introduced me to Jesus, I now have a relationship with Him, now I know I'm strong through Him, I have great plans because of Him, and I know He is with me always, thank You Jesus Christ!!!
My prayer for you,
I pray you will know that God has great plans for you, you are on His mind because there are amazing things He want to do through you. You are special and one of a kind, only you can do what He has for you, you are deeply loved.
                                  Another beautiful morning, find someone to bless today!
                                                      NOT TODAY DEVIL

Friday, March 6, 2015

                                  I don't care what you say, but, I am who God says I am!!!
There are times when we need to;
God can turn things around in our favor, now start praising and dancing to the Lord!!!

Thanks to God I'm still here, in my right mind, in good health and strength, I can participate in my day, I can bless someone in my day, thank You Lord  
I cancel every assignment of the enemy that is trying to take over our life, family, spiritual growth, finances, career, and marriage, God has the final say so and I'm standing on His Word!!!  
                  When you do what you love with passion, success won't be far behind.
                Warm memories will renew your hope and make your day go better.
                                             Sometimes we need a good deep laugh!
Today's a special day
For it will never come again
So I'll throw my curtains back
and let God's sunshine in
                    Sometimes we are put on hold, but God will always be back on time!
                            Make this day, go out of your way to find someone to bless!
                                   Beloved, be calm, allow God to fight for you!!
                                Nothing you encounter today is bigger than our God!!!
As I email this greeting, I'm sending you a prayer, in hopes that your day will be great, without a tear or a care.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

                                               Expect a rainbow
                             Look beyond the storm for the beauty that follows the darkness!
One of the simple pleasures of life,
On weekends take off your watch and forget about time, try it!
Give the best you have, it may never be good enough, but do your best anyway.
If you don't get it done today, that's alright,  God will give us another sunrise to try and get it together, thank You Lord!!!
                          Things can get bad enough, so don't sweat the small stuff!
Refuse to let worry and stress rule your life, remember, things have a way of working out in the end.
      Never forget to have fun along the way, success means nothing without happiness.
Open your eyes and take in all the beauty around you, even during the worst of times, there's still much to be thankful for!
            Think on pleasant thoughts today, it could change your day from bad to good!
Nothing in this world
Could do us more good
Knowing God accepts us
But through man we can be misunderstood 

Its all right
     We as strong christians have an obligation to help weaker christians, knowing we all need Jesus!
                            God's grace is readily available to those who will receive it!
             I'm grateful for family, friends and medicine, but God, I'm more grateful to know,
                                                        YOU ARE MY HEALER!
                                          Another great morning!!!!!!!!

When the storm comes
and you're lost in flight
Jesus said I'll be your beacon
I'll be your guiding Light
But as it is written, Eye hath not see, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him.                    1 Cor. 3:9
                                         In other words, God will show them!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Lord I want to thank You
For all things you do
Lord you heard my prayer
For this problem You brought me through
Lord I don't know how you did it
and I couldn't say when
Whenever I think about your love
I know that's when your compassion drew me in
BEAUTY             GRACE                    ELEGANCE

These are the first words that come to mind when I think about you.
               You never fail to amaze me                    
I awake each day
With  a hopeful smile
Knowing that each moment
Of life is worthwhile

                                                          Smiling helps you feel better
God must have created a perfect mold
When He created your heart of gold
For you're everything a friend is suppose to be
and I'm thankful for the gift of you that God gave to me 
When writing your plans of what you want God to do for family and business, write it in pencil and give God the eraser, He knows what to take out!
Being God's children brings to all believers a responsibility to act like members of His family!
                                       We have to have a daily relationship with Jesus!
                               Fervent prayer, with intense passion, that's how we should all pray!
How good it is to know that God empowers His people to do the work He calls them to do.
The glory of life is to love, not just be loved; to give not just be given; to serve, not just to be served
I remember when my heart was young
And my life had just begun
I saw the beauty then and I still do
I remember those days, 
Have faith that things will get better, and that you have the strength to get through this rough time, and remember I'm here when you need a good friend.
When you feel your faith unraveling
And as you sink deeper in that space
If you listen to the voice of Jesus
He'll let you know in me you can be safe
Know that no matter how bad things seem, they will always get better, the warmth of spring always follow the harshest winter.
                        I'm sending you the biggest smile in hopes you will have a beautiful day!!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

To do away with God and His Word is the surest way to plunge this world even more deeply into spiritual darkness.
                                           People are to be loved not used!!
                                         Leave final justice in the hand of a just God!
                              No one is more secure than those who are in God's hand.
Let love fill your heart instead of hate. When hate is in your heart, there's room for nothing else, but when love is in your heart, there's room for endless happiness!

Ignore the negative voice inside your head. Focus instead on your goals and remember your accomplishments. Your past success is only a small inkling of what the future holds.
                       We should not be startled when God answers our specific requests!
When we sail on hope
and rise to the sky
I'm not even going to stop 
and wonder why

Forgetting yesterday, enjoying today
                                           Live today friend, and rejoice in life
                                                             Leave him alone if...

He thinks cooking and cleaning is woman's work
He doesn't care about your dreams
He can't hold a job
He never says I'm sorry
He's disrespectful to family and friends
He considers his money his and your money his
He's violent
He breaks promises to you
He thinks no one compares to his mother, least of all you

Think about it, you really don't want someone like that in your life

        When you open your heart to God, He will open your understanding to His Word.
If you have some work to do
Start this very hour
You supply the willingness
God supplies the power!
                                       Impossibilities compel us to rely on God!
Afflictions may test me.
They cannot destroy.
One glimpse of Thy love
Turns my life into joy
                                         The Holy  Spirit is our source of power!
                                        Nothing is stronger than strength under God's control!
                                   God keeps giving us reasons to praise Him!!!
                                   The church is not for a select few, but for all who want salvation!
                        One proof of our love for God is the way we treat our fellow man.
                            When we keep our eves on Jesus, we'll lose sight on our fears!
                       We have to choose to believe that things will get better.
                 We must learn to recognize the voice of Jesus and follow Him.
Happiness is great, its about my surrounding, how great things are going. But joy comes from inside, no matter what's going wrong around me, what hell I might have going on in my life, JOY, I know it will keep me going, praise God!
One of the most foolish lies we tell, is the lie we tell ourselves.
  Jesus knows our problems because He was human. He can help with our problems because He is God!