Saturday, February 28, 2015

Dear Daughter,
From the moment I first 
Held you in my arms
I wanted to keep you 
safe from all harm


All that you are I aspire to be . You're home, love and warmth, you are everything to me

                               Our actions reveal our true spiritual nature!
We honor God in the name of Jesus Christ with our worship!
                                 Life - natural, spiritual and eternal - is a gift from God!
                    One question that confronts us all is, are we doing what God wants us to do!
                               With true faith in Jesus, all our doubts can be wash away!
In God winners are not always the strongest or the fastest, but the one who keeps his faith to the end!
                                            Serving God is not always pretty!
               The manner of our thinking, will determine the manner of our living!
If I could write a song about us, our song would capture your love, that grows forever in my heart!
                  Its hard for the devil to deceive us when we know the Word of God
                     Mother, I want you to know you are on mind and always in my heart!
                                              Jesus, you're alright with me.
Dear Friend,

I don't mind telling you often enough, that I appreciate all you do. You have a big heart, that's loving, kind and true.
Now you're grown
Far away on your own
But no matter where you are
Know that my heart is there
and every night I cover you with a heartfelt prayer
Sometime we may be tempted to feel that we should be less outspoken for the Lord, we should speak up, and tell of the goodness of the Lord.
              Keeping our life in God's hand, we need not fear what man can do to us.
                              When we agree with God, we will not misjudge anything!
While we may say "Good Night" down here, it's alway "Good Morning" up there
                  Our faith should remain constant and firm through every circumstance.
              We always say God can do anything, then we wonder if He will do it for us!
                            God is always on time, even when we think He is late!
Someone who cares about you thought enough about you to put your name on their lips
                    Spread happiness around and someone will spread it to you.
                   To touch the soul, you have to use tender loving care!
                                We often know more than we understand.
                                     A cheerful giver is a cheerful receiver!
Often the question is not whether God is speaking, but whether we are still enough to listen
                                            Smile, don't take life so serious!

Always pray to have eyes that sees the best in people
A heart that forgives the worst in people
A mind that forgets the bad in people
And a soul that never loses faith in God
                               Give someone a kiss or a hug this morning
                   Why worry about what may come, when tomorrow is so far away!
           Don't take the present for granted, because you can never have today's gift again.
                      I'll always be there for you even when bad news find you too!
                               Don't let the bad days get you down, smile despite it all.
Even though life can send us unexpected rain, it can also send us unexpected sunshine, the rain will pass
Its not how much we give, but the love behind the giving, BLESS SOMEONE TODAY!
                       God would love for you to trade the pain in your heart for peace!
                             Spread happiness around and watch your day go better!

Friday, February 27, 2015

                         I thought you could use some beauty in your life today, here's a mirror!
                                                          Smile everyday
Hope speaks with a gentle but determined voice which summons courage
If you stand idly by waiting for your dreams to come true, you can be certain they will never find the road that leads to you.
                                Take the grief of yesterday and throw it away!
If we could quiet the noise insensitive people make, it would be so easy to keep our dreams awake!
                        I'm so glad I know God has me in the palm of His hand.
             In God the most difficult hours are bearable and through Him we can heal!
I've struggled and I've labored made some mistakes I won't repeat, yet with faith in God to guide me, I'll never give in to defeat!!!!!
You'll always be right here in my heart, and we can feel each other's warmth, even when we are apart!
I'm sending you a cheery hello to let you know you are in my thoughts!
You can endure all the pain you are feeling. You'll get past this moment of despair. You just need this time of healing, have the faith to know God is there!
You should begin dreaming today, before today becomes the past.  There is no time to stop and stare. Think about the cemetery, many dreams died there.
Like you, I've had hard times, I've suffered thru so many things. But I know God is my refuge, my strength and in Him I put my trust.
Your thoughts are not only apart of who you are, but they create who you could become!
I have faith that Jesus will light the way to a place where no one else can visit. The wind play with my hair, as the sun warm me inside, but in a place only I can visit, THAT'S MY PLACE!
The Light (JESUS) of Hope will guide you in the right direction and still the static that buzzes all around you.
                                         Love can inspire hope for tomorrow!
                I feared my destiny until I realized I had the power to change my life!
                I'm tired and  I've been beaten down, yet still I'm determined to win!
We are not tempted because we are evil, we are tempted because we are human, help us Lord.
                       Don't make money your God, that's when money will begin to run your life!
I hope you will find something when you wake, not riches or diamonds, but something you can value because it makes you think on God!
     We all say, if we could only do it over again, yes, but we could have make it worse, think about it!
Escape to that place within that is beyond words, thoughts, linger there, enjoy as you find adventure in your heart!
                                     God knows you by name, do you know Him?
                      Fly like an eagle on swift wings, soaring gracefully through the sky!
I hope you receive today lots of joy and cheer, which serve to remind us, God is always near!
If spring follows winter, rainbow follows storm, morning follows night, I know happiness follows pain.
Lord I'm sending out a cyber prayer,

God please help the troubled, the suffering, hungry, homeless, in despair, the alcoholic, drug addicted, lonely, sick, those running our country, those thinking about taking their life, leaders in the church, disabled, veterans, heartbroken, mentally, physically and sexually  abused,  and anyone in need that I did not name, AMEN!!  

Thursday, February 26, 2015

                                          In everything you do, be yourself.
                                           There's nothing hid that shall not be uncovered!
    Prioritize, stop trying to do everything yourself, there's nothing wrong with asking for help!
                                            A little common sense goes a long way!
                                                           I'm too blessed to be stressed!
            In a world of mystery, its a comfort to know the GOD who knows everything!
                        Deception is one of the devils many tools, be spiritually aware of it!
                                  Let everything that has breathe, praise Lord!
                     Can you stop griping all the time, relax, breathe deeply, its alright!
When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee: and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shall not be burned: neither shall the flame kindle upon thee
                                                                                                       Isaiah 43:2

                                                     The tribulation will not kill us
You want to do something nice, next time you are in a restaurant, look at a table full of kids, and say to mom, this is on me.
                                    Do something special for someone feeling down!
                                   When is the last time you told your wife, you are beautiful!
                                  I will have a strong finish, because I have strong faith!
Call your mother, or someone who gave you motherly love, and tell her you love her.
                                                         Life is short, so live it!
                                         Flowing from my heart is the love of God !
Lean on Me, I'm here for you, watching over you, and I'm keeping you, lean on Me!
                                 God's been better to me than I been to myself, think about it!
                                     God's favor looks good on me, and I wear it well!
                               Own up to your sin and you will feel the joy of confession.
When a problem in your life show up, sometimes God will  use us to be the solution!
When we can give someone hope for tomorrow, we can give someone a reason to live!
                           When we don't use our gifts, someone is missing something from us!
We don't live by ourselves
We're a part of one another
For good or bad we touch a life
Be it sister, friend or brother
                                       To get better with age, get spiritually fit!
We strive to do the will of God 
And struggle to succeed
But what we fail to recognize 
God's strength is what we need
Its not how long we live, but its about the kind of life we lived, good or bad!
                       The stories in the bible give us inspiration for the future!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Don't get Married if...

they  pressure you into marriage
They want a baby in order to get closer to you
They think commitment in a relationship is outdated
They use sex as a means of control
they don't know the meaning of us
They drink on a regular basis or do illegal drugs
they measure success by dollar signs instead of happiness
They have no interest in your opinions or feeling
They want sex on the first date
They don't believe in "Til death do us part"

It seems like that thing you asked God for is so far away, but stay focus, God is cheering you on along your way!
  Your love has made me happier than I thought I could ever be, you're my life, my heart, my destiny!  
   I feared people's opinions until I learned that people would have an opinion about me anyway.
                                             Enjoy the silent beauty of the night!
                    Don't just be a good friend, be a loyal and true friend, it will pay off!
                               Be an angel on earth by sharing your resources with others!
     Sometimes if you are honest and sincere people will try to deceive you, Be honest and sincere anyway!
                                       You're never to old to follow your dreams!
I looked for God in the wings of a prayer
But still I did not find Him there
Then I turned and saw Him in every place
In every act of kindness and in every face
                                                    Encourage others to be all they can be.
        This too shall pass, while you are in your valley on your way to the mountain top, this too shall pass!
                                                With the right person love is wonderful!
                                    Without trust we lose that special bond!
                                  Everything in marriage is about comprise.
At the end of the day, and you walk in your door, its great to say, there's no place like home!
                                 We value Jesus's Light more fully, after being in the dark!
                               Impossibilities has a way of sending us to rely on God!
                               God never puts you in the wrong place at the wrong time!
        Our rough edges need to be chipped away, to showcase the image of God.
   What you could become tomorrow, sometimes depends on some of the choices you make today.
                            In every dry place of trial, God has an oasis of comfort.
                 God says, you can tell me all about it, believe Me, I've heard it all before!
                                            Spiritual inactivity will bring our spirit down.
                                              Have you noticed, God will bless thru adversities!
     Stop carrying mess from year to year and tell your life to line up with the Word of God!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

                                          Feels so good when the sun shines on you!
                                                I love me some Grandma's hands
My home is loving
My pantry is full
I have all I need
And a whole lot more 
                                            You give me many reasons to smile every day!
Most Beautiful Day

This is the most beautiful day of my life.  There's been ups and downs in this day, even some troubles.  God gave me this day and I'm going to enjoy it, appreciate it, and live in it.  I'm celebrating because this is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it.
                  People can be unreasonable, irrational and mean, but we have to love them anyway!
Life has much to offer and you have much to give, every time you try something new, you will learn more and more about yourself!
                                      I feared being alone, until I learned how to love myself!
Accept others for who they are and for the choices they have made even if you don't understand their reason for it.
                                      I have the faith that can conquer anything!
            Race, nationality, or status will not keep God from saving any who call on His name, Jesus Christ!
                                  God's grace is readily available to those who will receive it!
                         The Lord has commissioned us to declare the gospel to the whole world.
                  Resorting to human wisdom for answers to spiritual needs can lead to tragic results.
        When God teaches us something from His Word, He gives us the occasion to use it for Him!
                                        Sometimes a sorrow is a blessing in disguise.
                                            I woke up this morning singing!
                                       Know your flaws, but don't let them distract you.
When the good times seem few
And you're feeling low 
And you're looking for comfort
But there's nowhere to go
Remember that God will see you thru
He'll guide you toward your rainbow
Do you come home angry, try something different, your home should be a place of rest and happiness, leave all negative outside your door and walk through in peace, you and your home will feel the difference.

Monday, February 23, 2015

                                             Times of trouble are times for trust.
God is the radiance on a rainbow
The Light that always shine through
He's the hope in our heart 
Of me and you
                                                             Love is easy when you mean it!
A word of encouragement can make the difference between giving up and going on.
We have six months to mine our business, and six months to leave your business alone, in other words mine your business!
To my son or daughter,

I would tell you to choose your goals wisely based on the passion in your heart.  I would tell you never underestimate yourself or your abilities., be fair and honest in your dealing and always do your best.  I would tell you before you get involved with someone make sure that person supports your dreams and will strive to help you achieve them.  I would tell you to search for joy every moment you can, and always, PUT GOD FIRST!!!!!
Dream of what you can become, but accept yourself for the person that you are now!
                                 Recognize your gifts and unique talents and put them to good use!
                             Look to the future, don't sit and fret over, what might have been.
                    People will question all the good things they hear about you and believe the bad!
                         When proven wrong, we are to be gracious, not argumentative.
                                      When God say go ahead, you go ahead!
                                  Believe that you deserve the best, that you deserve to be loved!!
                                                             Love Yourself
God says, celebrate because you are anointed, special, beautiful, awesome, wonderful, loving, kind, gentle, sweet, good, full of life, generous....
             I'm telling it loud and I'm making it clear, I know for a fact, that this is my year!!!!!
                             Jesus takes us as we are, in order to make us as we should be!
God knows what bothering you
And His love is true 
He'll lend a strong arm
As He helps you make it thru
                              Let God set your heart to your goals, then stay dedicated to them!
                           Faith in Christ is not a leap into the dark, its a step into the Light!
      Your thoughts are not only a part of who you are, but they can create what you could become!
If you feel defeated
You are absolutely wrong
God says follow your dream 
With Me you can never go wrong
                                Psalm 23 is a beautiful promise of life here and everlasting!
Listening might be the most loving and Christlike thing you do today!
         Contentment begins with having fewer wants, knowing that God has supplied all my needs.
                                 The wonder of it all, just to think, Jesus loves me so much!
                                 God is a rewarder of them who diligently seek Him!
                                             In times of trouble, you know who your real friends are!
              One of the greatest blessings in my life, is having someone like you in my life!
                              You have a special way of making me forget what I was mad about!
You ever want to just crawl back into bed, don't, it will make you feel worse, fight those feelings, and pray every step of your way.
I hope an angel of love
Visits you today
Open up your heart
For when he comes your way
                                       I hope you know from my actions, you are very dear to me.
                                                              It feels great being your friend!
                                           You were on my mind today, be blessed!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

                                    We all should have a hallelujah anyhow praise!!!!
                           God will prosper you in ways you never even thought of !
                                             God wants to take you from the pit to the palace!
                                                  In order to get love we must show love!
                                    You want rest, spend time in the arm of God!
                                The problems of life is not to break us, but show us the way to God!
If you want to be miserable, look within, if you want to be distracted, look around, but if you are looking for peace, look up!
                                 We can accomplish more working together than alone!
                                                     Count your blessings day by day!
                                                    Marriage is when two walk as one!
          Compassion is understanding the pain of others, then doing something about it in their time of need!
                                 When we hold our tongue, we let God rule in our heart.
                  When you open your bible, ask the One who inspired it to open your heart.
                             There is no room for pride when we walk with God.
                                            Wisdom is seeing things from God's perspective.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

When I think back on my life, the saddest part was when I did not help someone when I could have, I did not give financial assistance, when I could have, and when I could have just showed someone love and I didn't , Lord, please forgive me, I promise I will do better!
    Hope in God, is looking to the future with joy and having an expectation of better things to come
                      Lord, since you came into my life, I look forward to each new sunrise!
       When opportunity knocks on your door, God wants to know, when are you going to open it.
                                            I feared success until I realized I had to try.
                                        When you see a rainbow, you know that the storm is over.
 Forgive and forget, (we want God to forgive us) soar above it, and remember, everybody makes mistakes.
                           Decide that you are going to be successful and happy, then pursue it.
                                                                 I care about you.
        Break away from eveything that stands in the way of what you want to accomplish.
                                                           Thank God for more time.
                                         God will give you care that never quits.
      I pray you will feel so much peace today that people will feel it as they walk by you.
    Some people will love you as long as they can use you, always guard your heart and your mind.
When you feel like singing the blues, put on some music and start praising the Lord, it will run the blues away!
                                     Love is more than a feeling, its a commitment.
                                       Bitterness is a root that ruins the garden of peace!
                                   be anxious about nothing, but pray about everything.
                                               God delights in bringing us delight
                                      There is no place or time we cannot pray.
                             When you feel like crying, start counting your blessings!
           Let every man or woman be swift to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger, you'll feel better!
               I'm free from what was bounding me, and freedom looks good on me!!!!
                                   God's people can stand stronger when we stand together.
                                    God's mercy is new every morning, (lam. 3:21-23), treasure it!

Friday, February 20, 2015

When we face the future, we should remember, that the same God who directed us in the past, will guide us in the days, months and years ahead!
                          If love is our motive, serving people will show how much we love God!
                                 Marriages that succeed must have love as their highest priority.
                       Children are God's blessing, and with this blessing comes great responsibility.
                     A husband and wife should jointly take their burdens to the Lord in prayer.
                                                God is always true to His word.
                               When we put God first, we don't have to worry about being last.
       When I wake up in the morning and my feet touch the floor, the devil says, Oh Lord, she's up!!
                                                 With God all things are possible!
                                                    I make music to the Lord!
   While we are sitting waiting for God, God says I am here waiting for you to move!
                      Stop worrying about tomorrow, when its hard just taking care of today.
                The meaning of patience is waiting without murmuring or complaining.
                                        God loves each of us as if it was only one of us.
                                                     Laughter is good medicine!
     Have there been times while encouraging someone , you wanted someone to encourage you.
                                    Kind words can soothe, quiet and comfort , use them!
                     we all can have bad thoughts, the problem comes when we act on them.
                         You want more blessings in your life, be more obedience.
it would be better if we would bite our tongue, and not someone else.
                                                 Nothing surprises God!
                             Talking honestly with God will give you true peace of mind.
                       A person who will not follow, should never be allowed to lead.
                    Can you use tact when making a point, that way you won't make an enemy.
                                Its a mistake if we make our wishes God's will.
                      We can see Christ most clearly when we can remain in the background.
                                            A parents love should never stops loving!
                                      Two cannot argue when one will listen.
Learn from your failures or you will fail to learn, words to lean on!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Keep a smile on your face, a song in your heart, and your eyes on God, and go and have a wonderful day!

A lot of problems in the our lifes and in the world could be resolved if we talked to each other rather than screamed at each other.
                                                                 JUST ME

I enjoy being me, not perfect, but I'm honest, loving, and happy, I don't try to be what I'm not, I don't try to impress anyone, SO LOVE ME FOR BEING JUST ME !!!!                        
                                                                  Quiet Place

There are times, when life seem to wear us down, and we don't know what to do.  You call on friends and nobody can help.  You cry and you cry, because you just want relief from all your troubles.  It seems before you can get out of one thing, another thing happens. Before you do something you will regret later, develop a pray life, do you pray and do nothing, no, but when you get into a quiet place, (closet, bathroom, bedroom) let your mind focus on Jesus, go to the throne of grace in your mind, humble in spirit, allowing God in your heart, to calm all your worries, and take control of your life and give you answers on the way you should go next.  Life is not easy, things happen that we don't like, but God did not promise everything would go exactly the way we wanted, remember, as beautiful as a rose is, it has thorns, and those thorns hurt.  I want to encourage someone, don't give up, don't give in, don't do the thing you know is wrong, and think you can get away with it right now,  it could come back and bite you.

 Go to that quiet place, talk to God, listen to God, knowing that everything is already alright.

              Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not to thine own understanding.
            In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths   proverbs 3:5-6
                                                  Jesus prayed, what about you?
 Jesus enables us to walk without fear, to run with confident, and to live victoriously
                            Build your life on the solid foundation-JESUS CHRIST
                              Our hearts are locked together through the love of God.
                 Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.  1 John 4:11
God does not look on beauty as man see beauty, man looks at a beautiful face, God looks at a beautiful heart, a beautiful mind, and a beautiful soul.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

     Good things come to those who wait, better things come to those who pray while they are waiting.
When you pray, you also have to listen, we always want to talk to God, but sometimes God want us to shut-up and just listen to Him.
           God has a purpose for your pain, a reason for your battles, and favor for your faithfulness,
                                                    DON'T GIVE UP!!!!
                                     Dear Lord, I put my family, friends and enemies in your hand.
                                 You would never be brave , if God didn't give you the courage.
Somewhere out there someone is in a harder battle than you, thank God that things are as well as they are right now.
                                             Sometimes there is gain, even in loss.
                        Always remember, the good that you do, will come back to you
               The answers to life's questions are in the presence of God, spend time with Him and He will   guide you.
                 Sometimes we can see things more clearly with our eyes closed.
                             I'm thankful, God has given me another day to praise Him!
                             I'm so grateful and so thankful for all that the Lord has done for me.
                                    Learn from experience, then teach it to someone else.
                                     Have you sown seeds in good ground, expect a great harvest.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

         Don't let your little problem bring you down, you tell your little problem about your
                                                           "GREAT BIG GOD!!!"
                                                           Look up and live!!!
                                                                        God's Peace
                                                          Confusion can fill your mind
                                                       but God will give us peace divine
                                                         Darkness can enter your heart
                                                   but God's peace will give you a new start
                                                             Anger try to run your life
                                                  but God's peace will take away your strife
                                                     the peace of God will enter your soul
                                                      As we allow Him to take full control
                                                Holy Spirit speak to me.
                                             Wisdom will lead you, it will open your mind, allow it!
            Wait on the Lord, be of good courage and He will strengthen your heart, Wait on the Lord.
                        Its not how many times you fall down, but say Lord, I'm getting back up.
                        Say in the morning, I thank You Lord for sending me good news today.
                                  Dear Lord, in our weakness give us spiritual strength.
Life and death is in the power of the tongue.  Always speak life over your children, your health, finances.
Always find something positive to say, no matter what things looks like.  Parents always pray for your children, and I mean always, wherever they are, whatever they are doing, pray for God to take care of them,  and SPEAK LIFE!!!!

Monday, February 16, 2015

      If you saw Jesus walking on the waters, and He told you to come, could you have enough faith to do it?
     Look in the mirror, say to yourself, I have the faith to believe that God will take me thru any problem.
                        When we humble ourselves before God, He will exalt us in due season.
                    When you gave that last word to someone, who did you make happy, your spirit or your flesh,
                                                                            "think about it!"
                                                                  Lets talk about the Church

         Just because you go to church, does not make you holy.  We need to carry church around in our heart to spread to people who need to hear a good Word.  Not preachy or wordy, but encouraging.  Sending cheer or joy will go a lot further and maybe even get them thinking about going to church.  Remember, spreading the Spirit of love not only will  help to make someone else feel good, but we will feel good also.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

                                           The battle is not mine to fight, Lord I give it to You!
                 My joy is not depended on what I have in my pocket, but what I have in my heart!
             One of your biggest test is when you can reach out and bless someone even tho at that time you are going thru your own storm.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

                                                          God's love is amazing
                          The Jesus in you is stronger than any devil in the world
                                         enjoy your life, its the only one you have.